The differences between custody and parenting time

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2020 | Child Custody

Raising children is a very important job for parents in New Jersey. While parents are together, they can do this job together, but if they divorce, it is can be much more difficult. During the divorce, parents need to determine their responsibilities in raising the children now that they will no longer be together in the same house. This is accomplished by determining which parent will have custody of the children and determining parenting time as well.

Many people are familiar with custody, but may not be as familiar with parenting time and how the two work together. There are two different types of custody: legal and physical. Legal custody determines which parent will make the major decisions for the children while physical custody determines which parent the children will live with primarily. Parenting time determines when the parent without physical custody will have the children in their care. So, parents do not need physical custody in order to have a right to see their children.

Both custody and parenting time are very important issues as people go through divorces. These decisions can have a very big impact on their lives and their relationship with their children. The decisions are made based on what is in the best interests of the children. In order to determine this, parents can work together to determine a custody and parenting time arrangement. However, if they are unable to reach agreements on the issues a judge will make the decision for them after analyzing a number of different factors.

The are many parents in New Jersey who go through a divorce. In these divorces, one of the most important decisions that are made are the custody and parenting time decisions. Determining what is in the best interests of a child is not an easy task though and involves analyzing many different aspects of both the children and parents’ lives. It is also an emotional decision. Experienced attorneys understand this and could help ensure determinations are in fact made in the best interests of the children.